People You Want To Add To Your Life

May 25, 2023
Alexandra Kinias

People are an important asset in your life and they play a major role in it. Friends, family members, peers in school and colleagues at work contribute directly or indirectly to your life, in a positive or a negative way. There are those who you enjoy their company, role models you look up to, some you feel uncomfortable around, and those ‘friends’  who you let the phone go to voicemail when you see their names flashing on the screen. 

Every so often you need to assess the people in your life and eliminate the toxic people without any regrets or guilt feelings. They serve no purpose other than dragging you down. And once such toxic people are gone, there will have room to include people from the list below, who will enrich your life and make a positive impact on you.

1. Positive People: People with positive energy love life. They are comfortable with who they are and confident that the good is yet to come. They are the ones who look at the glass half full, filled with gratitude and in peace with themselves and their surroundings. And because energy is contagious, it is worthwhile to include and associate with positive people. Their energy will spill on you.

2. Athletic and Health Conscious People: Athletic friends are good influence. They are the kind of people you want to hang around with. They are also health conscious and they will encourage you to have an active life rather than spending your time on the couch watching television. Leading a healthy and active life should always be on top of your priorities, and associating with people of similar interest will encourage you to stay focused and on track. 

3. Successful People: Don’t underestimate the power of who you associate with. To pursue your dream to success, you should surround yourself with successful people. They are smart and hardworking, and having them in your life will inspire you to follow their path. Viewing them as role models will challenge and motivate you. Their success is not an accident and from them you will learn and grow.  

4. People who live with a purpose: They are the ones who think they can change the world and for that they dedicate their time and energy to one cause or another, in an effort to make the world a better place. They are compassionate and kind people and a reminder of what humanity is all about. They will offer you help and support you, and including them in your life will bring out the best in you.

5. Look for the Sense of Humor: We all cherish a good laugh and appreciate those who bring us laughter. People with a sense of humor and those who laugh at themselves and not at others are keepers. They are good natured and fun to be around. They laugh not because their lives are problem free, but because they learn to cope with their problems in a positive manner. Hanging around people with such an attitude is much needed to balance the busy and hectic life that most people live. 

Be selective in choosing who takes part in your life. People reflect the experiences they have been exposed to and by default that reflects on you. Surround yourself with interesting, charismatic, risk takers and decision makers.  Surround yourself with intriguing people who provoke your intellect and leave you hungry for knowledge. Surround yourself by those who touch your heart and bring out the best in you. 

You owe it to yourself. 

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